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Official Positions

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December 1997 School Vouchers

The following resolution was passed with 2 votes against:

RESOLVED that the JCRC opposes governmental vouchers or tuition tax credits that would provide aid to sectarian schools as violative of both the First Amendment’s “Establishment Clause” and the Missouri constitution, and as undermining public education. JCRC also opposes governmental vouchers or tuition tax credits that would provide aid to only non-sectarian private schools because such proposals are also likely to undermine public education. In taking this position, JCRC recognizes the valid concern that some public schools, including, but not limited to, a number of inner city schools, are failing to provide quality educational services to their students. JCRC will carefully evaluate proposals to improve public educational services for these students, and will support proposals that it determines have the potential to improve public educational opportunities for them. The JCRC also urges that the Jewish community explore methods to make Jewish day school education available to all Jewish families who wish to send their children to day schools, while also making quality, meaningful Jewish education available to Jewish families who choose to send their children to public or non-sectarian schools.

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