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Who We Are

JCRC Council

The JCRC Council is responsible for international and domestic policies and positions that JCRC publicly advocates for in the name of the Jewish community. It also is responsible for JCRC's participation in the annual resolution process of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA). The council is comprised of one representative of each of JCRC's 34 member organizations, up to 10 at-large members, and the JCRC’s Board of Directors.

It is the responsibility of agency representatives to bring to the Council the positions of their organization and to reflect its views.  Agency representatives are also asked to keep their agencies informed of deliberations and decisions of the Council.

New policy positions can be initiated by the JCRC Board, a JCRC Committee/Task Force, a member organization, an individual member, the JCPA, or a non-JCRC Jewish community organization.  The issue is brought to the JCRC Board prior to coming before the Council for consideration or reconsideration. 

The JCRC's Council includes the following 35 Jewish organizations and institutions.