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March 2006 Taxpayer Bill of Rights

The following initiative petition was voted upon and passed unanimously.

TABOR is the acronym for the “Taxpayer Bill of Rights,” a proposed constitutional amendment. The Jewish Community Relations Council opposes TABOR because we believe it is bad public policy:

1. TABOR places an artificial cap on local and state spending that is based on increases in the general consumer price index and increases in population. Passage of this amendment would dramatically limit state investment in education, health care, senior services, environmental protection, libraries, economic development activities and many other public services that improve the quality of life for all Missourians. Colorado is the only state to adopt TABOR into their constitution. There is substantial evidence that it has hurt Colorado’s economy, and it would do the same for Missouri. The Tabor formula is much more restrictive than the Hancock II Amendment which JCRC opposed in 1994.

2. Once in place, as a constitutional amendment, it is very difficult and expensive to change.

Therefore, the Jewish Community Relations Council joins with other Missouri community organizations and agencies to oppose the passage of TABOR in Missouri

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