Anna Goldfarb Shabsin

Anna Goldfarb Shabsin has been deeply involved with JCRC in a variety of capacities. She first served as a temple representative to the Council. Over the years, she has served as a member of the Environment Policy Subcommittee, then the Board and now the Executive Committee. She has served on committees and Boards of multiple Jewish and non-Jewish organizations in the St. Louis region and nationally. She was proud to be a Millstone Fellow, Levy Fellow, and a 2024 recipient of the Michael and Barbara Newmark Emerging Leader Tzedek Award presented by JCRC.
During the day, you can find Anna at the Brown School at Washington University, teaching classes on policy, lobbying, economics and Constitutional law. She is also the Assistant Dean for the Master of Social Policy program and the coordinator of Wash U's JD MSW dual degree program. Although she loves learning with her students on the St. Louis flagship campus, she especially enjoys teaching in Wash U's Prison Education Program, working with our students on our Pacific and Vandalia campuses. Since 2014, she has been the Safe Zone educator for all faculty and staff at Wash U, ensuring that our campus is an inclusive and welcoming place for LGBTQ students, faculty, staff and visitors.