Jessica Igielnick

Jessica is an attorney, practicing public interest law at Fathers and Families Support Center since 2015, proving free legal services in the area of family and criminal law to indigent participants as part of their parenting programs. The main mission of FFSC is to foster healthy relationships by strengthening families and communities. Jessica has been active in the St. Louis Jewish community since moving here in 2013, including volunteer roles with the JCRC, ADL, professional societies and other St. Louis Federation initiatives. Specifically with JCRC, she has served as a Council At-Large member for three years and the council representative for Kol Rinah for the past two years. Jessica was an active participant in the Jewish Coalition on Racial Equity, and served as a co-chair of the Strengthening Relationships Committee and as a member of the Steering Committee. In addition, she was a participant in the joint JCRC/JFED multipart program — Showing Up! Skills and Tools to have Challenging Conversations. Her main passion within the Jewish community and the broader STL community has been anti-racism work. A part of the St. Louis Communities Builder Network, she is a member of Social Policy & Electoral Accountability Collaborative (SPEAC). This is a group of leading St. Louis area organizations that are striving to hold elected officials accountable to the communities they represent — or are seeking to represent — both prior to an election and afterward. Originally from Des Moines, Iowa, she moved to St. Louis to raise her three children with her husband Ben, in a strong and passionate Jewish community.