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Events & Programs

Winter Outreach

Winter Outreach

Participate in the 5th annual Winter Outreach, organized by the St. Louis Rabbincal and Cantorial Association and the Jewish Fund for Human Needs at the Jewish Community Relations Council of St. Louis. The Jewish Community comes together to collect donations for people experiencing homelessness in the St. Louis region. 

I Want to Volunteer

Volunteers will help transport donations from organizations to The Bridge, a MerryStarkey Charitable Endeavor. You will need to have a car and commit to at least one shift. For more information and to choose a date, email Elise Krug at

Volunteer opportunities are also available at The Bridge, which include staffing the store and sorting through donations. To sign up to volunteer, click here.

I Want to Donate


Coats, hats, scarves, gloves, mittens, socks, underwear, blankets, towels, washcloths, boots, men’s hoodies, and men’s sweatshirts

Cash donations can be made to support the work of The Bridge by donating to @thebridgestl on Venmo.


January 1 - February 28


Donations can be dropped off at any of the participating Jewish organizations listed below: