The Jewish Fund for Human Needs (JFHN) works to fulfill the mitzvah of tzedakah (the obligation to do righteous acts) by awarding small grants to non-Jewish social services agencies helping those in need throughout the St. Louis region.
How Does JFHN Work?
An Allocations Committee made up of representatives of a cross-section of the Jewish community determines which agencies shall be funded. There are two funding cycles per year. Through these grants, JFHN helps to support small St. Louis area non-profits that are providing direct services to those in need of food, housing, health care, education, employment, and other essential human needs. The Chair is Sue Picus.
How is JFHN Funded?
JFHN is a joint project of the JCRC and the St. Louis Rabbinical and Cantorial Association with support from the Jewish Federation of St. Louis and the Lubin-Green Foundation. By contributing to the JFHN, you are participating in our age-old tradition of tikkun-olam, repairing of the world.