Paul Sorenson

Paul Sorenson founded and leads the collaborative St. Louis Regional Data Alliance (RDA) at the University of Missouri – St. Louis. The RDA supports local governments, nonprofits, funders, and universities in using data for community benefit. The RDA is also actively involved in building public health data infrastructure to address COVID-19 and beyond, and works closely with United Way 2-1-1 and its partners on establishing the St. Louis Community Information Exchange (CIE) to share referrals across health and social service providers. Before coming to UMSL, Paul previously founded and ran GoodMap, an online tool for nonprofits to organize information about community services, and also served as the Director of Strategic Planning at Grace Hill Settlement House, which provided a wide range of services for families and communities. Paul is also a co-founder of MaTovu, a Jewish community center in St. Louis City.